Our Approach
HeartPath Spiritual Life Coaching
HeartPath Spiritual Life Coaching is a program focused on helping clients realize and live their highest potential.
HeartPath Spiritual Direction
HeartPath Spiritual Directors are your guides to bridge the shores of your inner and outer worlds.
We experience our lives physically. We think about and rationalize the dynamics of our lives mentally. We process everything emotionally and psychologically.
But it is the Heart within us that holds the key to the significant questions of life:
- What is my purpose?
- Why am I struggling?
- How do I sustain joy?
- Why do I feel depleted?
Through HeartPath Spiritual Direction, we enter into this quality of dialogue with the intent of letting the Heart/Spirit within “reveal to us” the story we are living and re-living, That is our life!
As you then reawaken to the experience of your sacred Heart, which is always open, you experience this awakening rippling out into the world around you, changing the outer to reflect the new inner, which is You.
Our Story
Meet Mebbie
I have studied health and well being for over 25 years. I started on my path with yoga. Finding the joy in moving my body encouraged me to find other things to bring myself the joy and peace that yoga gave me. In 1995 I became a massage therapist as a way to help my friends and family deal with the effects of daily stress in their bodies. Soon after in 1999 I found Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy and spent 600 hours learning how to use yoga and dialogue to help clients discover and release hidden tensions and blocks in their mind/body/spirit.
In 2008 I discovered Acutonics and spent over 600 hours learning how the ancient healing art of acupuncture can be modified to include sound vibrations through tuning forks. Of the many ways I know to help a client reduce stress, I feel Acutonics is the most powerful.
In 2009 I became ordained in the Temple of the Spirit, a church devoted to a person’s unique spiritual path. I can give counsel on concerns of the spirit, and perform ceremonies and marriages. I feel that my ministry is that of love and the power of our hearts to make life more joyful.
Always curious and wanting new knowledge, I branched out into the field of meditation in 2012. I became a student of Drunvalo Melchiezedek and in 2013 was certified to teach his Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshops. I have helped many students find the power of their hearts.
Through MY powerful heart meditations, I was led to the HeartMath institute, which has spent over 20 years researching the role that the heart plays in our lives. They have developed many wonderful tools and techniques for people to manage the stress in their lives. Many of these tools can be used in the moment to physiologically stop the effects of a stressful event. Practicing the HeartMath techniques on a regular basis restores resilience to a person’s body/mind/spirit. I am now a certified Coach/Mentor. I finished my training in December of 2014.
My first love has always been yoga. And my path to teach has been a long and winding one. I was teaching mostly friends and family in the beginning, and then I started more public teaching in 2011. And now I am studying with Karuna Erikson to become a Heart Yoga teacher. I will finish her training in September of 2015.
Heart Path Wellness brings all of the knowledge I have gathered over the years into one business that can help clients manage the stress in their lives. I can craft programs to individual needs. Helping the community live joyful lives is what makes my heart sing. There is a quote from the Upanishads that has become my motto:
From joy all things arose
In joy all things are sustained
To joy all things return
This is the highest teaching
This is the highest teaching
Next Steps...
Connect with Mebbie and make an appointment for an acutonic session, discuss your goals for health and well being.